OnLine Enrolments
Prior to commencing the ONLINE enrolment form, decide upon your payment method . See below. Your method of payment 1,2,or 3 will be requested at the END of the online form prior to submitting it. Remember your choice! Come back here to reaffirm details.
Please Read before proceeding
NOTE: Payments CANNOT be made DIRECTLY
through the U3A Website, for Security Reasons

Membership Fees - per person, per annum. Fees can be paid by direct debit, cheque or money order. Receipts only for cash/cheque or money orders.
New members: $65 (this includes a $5 administration fee payable upon application)
Renewals: $60
For OnLine Enrolments
3. In person: Complete the online enrolment form. Pay directly at any Branch of the Westpac Bank. Bank details: Account Name: U3ANR (Lismore) Inc. BSB 032535 Account No. 920782. Please email (nicola.jayne167@gmail.com) or Phone (02)66213662 the Treasurer. Nicola Jayne with your Surname and Initials when payment is made.
2. By mail: Complete the online enrolment form. Mail a cheque/money order made payable to ’U3A NR (Lismore) Inc.’ to: The Treasurer, U3ANR (Lismore) Inc., PO Box 4291, Goonellabah NSW 2480.
1. By Direct Debit: Complete online enrolment form & perform an electronic funds transfer.
Bank details: Account Name: U3ANR (Lismore) Inc. BSB 032535 Account No. 920782. It is essential that your Surname with Initial is used as a reference.
Payment Methods